Sustainability options appraisal

PT Intertek Utama Services engaged TGAG to provide a high level appraisal of opportunities to reduce the operational resource consumption of their new facilities in Jakarta. Energy intensive operations meant the focus was on the design of the building to ensure it was serviced appropriately and efficiently to ensure adequate comfort levels, reducing the risk Read on…

Green energy management project showcase

The Grand Hyatt Singapore, owned by the Brunei government and located in the heart of the city’s central business district, ended up as a showcase Green Energy Management (GEM) project, which won the Bronze in Asian Innovation Awards 2004. The core is an air-conditioning central plant believed by industry specialists to be the most energy-efficient Read on…

Energy efficient postal headquarters

Singapore Post Limited was lauded for its energy efficient headquarters, Singapore Post Centre (SPC), by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practice Competition for Efficient Buildings under the ASEAN Energy Awards 2008, giving a fillip to its efforts in environment preservation and corporate social responsibility. Lee Eng Lock Read on…

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