A European pharmaceutical company developing in Singapore held just one Integrative Design Process charrette on 6th March to address high energy efficiency and energy modelling sustainability performance goals for their new biotech manufacturing facility. The purpose of this charrette was to identify and agree on specific sustainability goals and strategies most applicable to their project for inclusion in the design, to understand construction and operating cost implications of these proposals, and to generate agreement and commitment among all “stakeholders” on the various sustainability components of the proposed designs. The overall aim was to ensure transparency in the exchange of recommendations – an aim highly expected in an IDP project.
Attendees from a variety of groups, both private and government, attended this charrette, coordinated by Vinod Kesava (TGAG Executive Director/COO) and the TGAG team (Eng Lock Lee, Huston Eubank, Tames Rietdijk, Bradley T. Gardner and Carolyn Kenwrick).
Several presentations by both the company and TGAG were followed by breakout groups during which participants discussed systems to be applied for energy efficiency in this new development. This charrette was supported by NEA’s Design for Efficiency (DfE) Scheme.