Jembrana cacao farmers strive toward sustainability

An article by Desy Nurhayati, The Jakarta Post. Cacao farmers in Jembrana regency have successfully paved their way toward sustainable agriculture, thanks to strong support from an NGO, the local administration and the private sector. Since 2011, the Denpasar-based NGO Kalimajari Foundation and BWI (Business Watch Indonesia) have been helping the farmers start building a Read on…

The Elders of Organic Farming

An article by Carol Pogash, The New York Times. Among the sleek guests who meditate and do Downward Facing Dog here at the Esalen Institute, the farmers appeared to be out of place. They wore baggy jeans, suspenders and work boots and had long ago let their hair go gray. For nearly a week, two Read on…

Myanmar looks at Bulelengs marines conservation

An article by Alit Kertarahardja, Bali Daily. A team from Myanmar visited Buleleng recently due to the country’s interest in the area’s village-level marine conservation management implemented by the coastal communities. The activity is focused in Penuktukan subdistrict of Tejakula. Field training coordinator for Laut Alam Lestari (LINI) Foundation, Andri Ali Musta’in, said on Thursday Read on…

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