An article by Warief Djajanto Basorie, The Jakarta Post.

Occupy, control and operate. This amounts to encroachment in Tesso Nilo. The encroachment relates to illegal palm oil trading derived from palm fruit grown inside the 167,000-hectare forest complex in Riau province, central Sumatra.

The complex consists of Tesso Nilo National Park and two major adjacent logging concessions.

A 2011 field survey by the World Wide Fund (WWF), an international conservation group, reported 52,000 hectares had been encroached, based on satellite images. More than 36,000 hectares, or 70 percent, have been converted to illegal oil palm plantations. Within the national park alone, 15,000 hectares have been converted to oil palm plantations.

According to Palming Off a National Park, a WWF report released June 2013, 524 individuals and 17 groups manage oil palm plantations inside the Tesso Nilo forest complex. Average plantation size per individual is 50 hectares.

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